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ChangeNow.io is a website safety checker that is free to use. It will show you whether a website is safe to visit and also provide tips on how to stay safe online. I have used ChangeNow.io to check many websites, and it is a very useful tool. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to stay safe online.

What is ChangeNow.io?

ChangeNow.io is a website safety checker that helps you to avoid scams and protect your personal information. It is free to use and you can check any website with it.

When you enter a website’s URL into ChangeNow.io, it will scan the site for safety concerns and give you a report. This report will tell you if the site is safe to visit, or if there are any risks associated with it.

ChangeNow.io is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to stay safe online. It can help you avoid scams and protect your personal information.

How does ChangeNow.io work?

ChangeNow.io is a website safety checker that allows you to check whether a website is safe to visit. It does this by checking the website against a database of known malicious websites. If the website is found to be in the database, ChangeNow.io will warn you and allow you to choose whether or not to continue to the site.

What are the benefits of using ChangeNow.io?

ChangeNow.io is a website safety checker that helps you to stay safe online. It checks websites for malicious content and warns you if it finds anything suspicious. It also provides tips on how to stay safe online.

Using ChangeNow.io can help you to:

– Stay safe from malware and other malicious content

– Avoid phishing scams

– Protect your personal information

– Keep your computer and devices secure

How to use ChangeNow.io

ChangeNow.io is a website safety checker that can help you identify potential risks and vulnerabilities on your website. To use ChangeNow.io, simply enter your website URL into the search bar and click “Scan”. ChangeNow.io will then scan your website for potential risks and vulnerabilities and provide you with a report.


If you’re looking for a website safety checker, ChangeNow.io is a great option. It’s quick and easy to use, and it provides you with peace of mind knowing that your website is safe from malware and other threats.

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