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DeutscheBit Review


What is DeutscheBit?

DeutscheBit is a website safety checker that helps you to identify and avoid phishing, malware, and other online threats. It is a free service that is available in both German and English.

How to Use DeutscheBit

If you’re looking for a website safety checker, DeutscheBit is a great option. Here’s how to use it:

1. Enter the URL of the website you want to check in the search bar on the DeutscheBit homepage.

2. Click “Scan Now.”

3. Wait for the scan to complete. This usually takes just a few seconds.

4. Once the scan is complete, you’ll see a report detailing any potential risks or concerns about the website.

5. If you’re satisfied with the results of the scan, you can click “Add to Safe List” to add the website to your safe list. This will ensure that future scans are automatically marked as safe.

Pros and Cons of Using Deutschebit

When it comes to choosing a website safety checker, there are many factors to consider. One of the most popular options is Deutschebit, but is it the right choice for you? Here are some pros and cons to help you make your decision:


-Deutschebit is one of the most popular website safety checkers on the market.

-It offers a free trial so you can try it out before committing to a subscription.

-Deutschebit has a clean and user-friendly interface.

-It provides comprehensive reports on websites, including identifying any potential risks.


-Deutschebit is not available in all countries.

-The free trial only lasts for 14 days. After that, you’ll need to pay for a subscription.

How to interpret the results of a website safety check

When you receive the results of your website safety check from DeutscheBit, it’s important to know how to interpret them in order to make the most of the information. The results will be displayed in a table with four columns: URL, Status, Risk, and Details.

URL: This column shows the specific URL that was checked.

Status: This column indicates whether or not the URL is safe. A green “Safe” status means that the URL is safe to visit. A red “Dangerous” status means that the URL should not be visited.

Risk: This column gives a general indication of the risk level associated with the URL. A low risk means that there is little chance of encountering any problems if you visit the URL. A high risk means that there is a greater chance of encountering problems if you visit the URL.

Details: This column provides more specific information about why the URL was given a particular status and risk level. This information can be helpful in determining whether or not you want to visit a particularURL.


In conclusion, the DeutscheBit website safety checker is a great tool to use to ensure that your website is safe from potential cyber threats. It is important to remember that no tool is 100% perfect, but this tool can give you peace of mind knowing that your website is as safe as possible.

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