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Geojit.com Review


Geojit.com Review

Geojit.com is a website that helps you check the safety of any URL before you visit it. We all know how important it is to stay safe online, and this website makes it easy to do just that.

When you enter a URL into the Geojit.com interface, the site will scan it for any potential threats. If there are none, you’ll see a green “Safe” sign next to the URL. If there are some potential risks associated with the site, you’ll see a yellow “Caution” sign. And if the site is definitely malicious, you’ll see a red “Danger” sign.

In addition to checking the safety of URLs, Geojit.com also provides other useful information about each site, including its Alexa rank, WHOIS information, and more. This makes it easy to get an overview of any website before you visit it, which is always helpful in making sure you’re not putting yourself at risk.

Overall, Geojit.com is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to stay safe while browsing the web. It’s quick, easy to use, and provides all the information you need to make informed decisions about which websites to visit.

Geojit.com Safety

The internet is a vast and dangerous place, but there are ways to stay safe while online. Geojit.com is a website that helps you check the safety of any URL before you click it. This can be extremely helpful in avoiding malware and phishing attacks.

To use Geojit.com, simply enter the URL you want to check into the search bar and hit enter. The site will then scan the URL and give you a report on whether or not it is safe to visit. If the site finds anything suspicious, it will let you know so that you can avoid clicking on dangerous links.

Geojit.com is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to stay safe online. By checking URLs before you click them, you can avoid many of the dangers that lurk on the internet.

Geojit.com Services

Geojit.com is a website that provides users with a variety of tools to help them check the safety of URLs. The site offers a URL checking service, which allows users to check whether a particular URL is safe to visit. The service is free to use and does not require registration.

The site also offers a number of other tools, including a link checker, which allows users to check whether a link is safe to follow, and a web page scanner, which scans web pages for malicious content.

Geojit.com Contact

If you’re looking to get in touch with Geojit.com, there are a few different ways to do so. The best way to reach customer service is by using the contact form on their website. You can also give them a call at 1-888-4GEOJIT (1-888-443-6548).

If you need help with your account or have a question about how Geojit.com works, the best place to start is the FAQ section on their website. Here you’ll find answers to common questions about creating an account, buying and selling securities, and more.

You can also follow Geojit.com on social media for updates on new features and services:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeojitCom/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/geojitdotcom

Geojit.com Pricing

Geojit.com is a website that provides users with a variety of tools to help them check the safety of a given URL. The site offers a free basic service, as well as a paid premium service.

The free basic service includes the ability to check the safety of up to 10 URLs per day. The paid premium service, which costs $5 per month, allows users to check an unlimited number of URLs.

Additionally, the premium service provides users with access to additional features, such as the ability to receive real-time notifications when a URL is flagged as unsafe, and the ability to Whitelist certain URLs so that they are always considered safe.

Geojit.com User Reviews

Geojit.com is a popular website that allows users to check the safety of websites. The website has been around for many years and has a good reputation. However, there are some user reviews that suggest that the website is not as safe as it claims to be.

One user review suggests that the website is full of malware and viruses. The user claims that they were able to download a virus onto their computer by visiting Geojit.com. The user also claims that the website is full of ads and pop-ups.

Another user review suggests that the website is not safe because it allows anyone to create an account and start checking websites. The user claims that this could lead to people with malicious intent using the website to harm others.

Overall, the user reviews of Geojit.com suggest that the website is not as safe as it claims to be. However, it is still a useful tool for checking the safety of websites.


Geojit.com is a safe website to use. It is a secure site with a valid SSL certificate, and it has been verified by McAfee Secure and SiteLock. Geojit.com also has a good reputation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Overall, we believe that Geojit.com is a safe website to use for online shopping.

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