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Artificial Intelligence MT5


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Just 7 duplicates left at a rate of 49 USD Following rate 99 USD

Variation for MT4: Expert System MT4

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Just 7 duplicates left at a rate of 49 USD Following rate 99 USD

Variation for MT4: Expert System MT4

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Expert System

– this is a Specialist Consultant based upon the traditional RSI and also ATR indications with the enhancement of a writer’s method for going into and also leaving the marketplace

The major sign for going into the marketplace is the RSI, while the ATR functions as a complementary filter for searching for and also straining entry/exit factors.

The Professional Consultant has an integrated writer’s system for managing drawdowns and also leaving from negative market actions.

The examinations revealed high precision of order implementation by the Expert system Professional Consultant and also high estimations of the anticipated market actions.

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Expert system takes the previous amount of time of the marketplace as the basis for estimations and also, based upon this, makes projections regarding the rate motion, validating its choice with traditional indications.


  • down payment 1 000 USD (10 USD cent account)
  • Quit Out degree 10-20%


1. RSI sign criterion

    • RSIPeriod
  • RSIPeriod

2. ATR sign specifications:

    • ATRPeriod– ATRMinPoint
  • ATRPeriod– ATRMinPoint

3. Take Earnings – take earnings of the major order

4. DistanceOfOrders – range to open up complementary orders

5. LotModule – whole lot choice setting

6. Great Deal

7. Magic


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