Basket EA ΜΤ4 is the most simple and easy way to control your overall profit/loss when trading.
The idea behind Basket EA ΜΤ4 is to be able to control your trading account’s profit and/or loss at a basket level,
for all your open positions combined.
Installation | Update
of a Purchased Product
- Martingale, Grid, Averaging or other dangerous techniques are not used
- Basket Take Profit in % for all open positions combined
- Basket Stop Loss in % for all open positions combined
- Basket Break Even in % for all open positions combined
- Basket Trailing Stop Loss in % for all open positions combined
- Extra account protection after a large drawdown
- 100% automated Expert Advisor
- MQL5 VPS compatible
If you are trading manually you should attach Basket EA ΜΤ4 to a seperate chart of your MT4 terminal and click
the Auto Trading button. This way you can continue opening new manual trades and Basket EA ΜΤ4 will act only when your
customized criteria are met. If you are trading using Expert Advisors, you need to attach Basket EA ΜΤ4 to a seperate
chart on your MT4 terminal, click the Auto Trading button and the Basket EA ΜΤ4 will manage all your EA opened trades at a
basket level, taking into account their combined profit and/or loss. If you use MQL5 VPS, you need to upload all your EAs and Basket EA ΜΤ4 on
seperate charts, click the Auto Trading button and then synchronize with your MQL5 VPS in order to migrate your trading environment onto the
virtual server (right click on the MQL5 VPS in the Navigator window >> Synchronize experts, indicators).
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- Click here for detailed: Basket
EA MT4 inputs
Note: Basket EA ΜΤ4 does not work in the MT4 Strategy Tester. It will only function by managing open or about to open