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Currency Strength Index


Do you want to know whether to put long or short positions on any pair? 5TT Currency Strength Index will give the answer! The 5TT Currency Strength Index is a unique indicator for determining the short-term strength of any currency.

The strength of each currency is determined by its index relative to the strength of the other 7 major currencies. The indicator continuously checks the price action for 28 currency pairs and 56 combinations and pays attention to the following:

  • Price volatility.
  • Short-term price range.
  • Short-term price action and candle formation.


  • Always trade in the direction of the trend.
  • More than 3 green bars indicate strength, and more than 3 red bars indicate weakness.
  • Combine weak and strong currencies. This is a constant trend condition. For example, if AUD has 5 red bars (indicating weakness) and USD has 5 green bars (indicating strength), sell AUDUSD.
  • Avoid combining two strong or two weak currencies. This will be a trendless condition.


  • Header Color: the color of the indicator text. Adjusts to the background color of the chart.
  • SymbSuffix: If the broker’s platform contains a suffix for currency pairs, specify ONLY the suffix. If there is no suffix, leave the parameter empty. For example, ETX will display EURUSD as EURUSDSB. In this case, you must specify SB.
  • ShowComments: displays the relative strength of the currency as a percentage on the chart.
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