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FoxTrotTWO EA is a scalper Expert Advisor for trading on EURUSD. Also available for other main and cross pairs. The recommended timeframe is M15. FT2 trades in a narrow range at night. In the upper and lower parts of the range, the EA tries to make a trade in the opposite direction. To do this, the robot uses several indicators and analyzes a number of timeframes. However, the trades themselves are opened as a result of the price movement, and not as a result of the actions of the indicator. To work, the Expert Advisor needs a medium-volatile non-trend market.

  • Trading time: mostly at night in the European session
  • Timeframe: M15
  • Broker: it is recommended to work with an ECN broker and use a VPS server
  • Risk: 20 – low, 40 – medium, 60-high

  • Martingale, grid, and hedging are not used

  • Trading Hour Start 23 – the hour when the EA starts trading
  • Trading Minute Start 30 – the minute when the EA starts trading
  • Trading Hour End 0 – the trading hour of the EA
  • Trading Minute End 59 – the minute when the EA ends trading
  • Close Hour Start 9 – the hour when the closing period starts
  • Close Minute Start 0 – the minute when the closing period starts
  • Close Hour End 9-the end hour of the closing period of transactions
  • Close Minute End 1 – the minute when the closing period ends

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  • Allowed Spread 15.0 – the maximum allowed spread for opening a trade
  • Slippage 3.0 – maximum allowed slippage for opening a trade
  • Use Money Management false-if false, trade a fixed lot; if true, the lot size is determined automatically
  • fixed LotSize 0.01 – when Use Money Management = false, trading is conducted using a fixed lot size
  • Risk 30.0 – the percentage of free margin for trading, for example, risk 30 means 0.03 lots for every 100 USD of free margin
  • max Lotsize 90.0 – the maximum allowed lot size for making trades
  • Magic Number – unique number of the transaction
  • Order Comment-comment on transactions
  • Use Rollover Spread Filter-if true, enable the spread filter (new stop loss during rollover)
  • XMinutesBeforeRollover-change the stop loss to a new value from x minutes to rollover
  • YMinutesAfterRollover-change the stop loss to a new value up to y minutes after the rollover
  • relevant Spread Value in points during Rollover period-change the stop loss if the market spread is higher than the specified one
  • additional Stop Loss Value in points during Rollover period – new additional stop loss value in points during rollover
  • Use Swap Filter – if true, the swap is taken into account in the trade
  • Minimum Swap – the minimum value of the swap
  • YMinutesRange – number of minutes to midnight,
  • Filter1 16-filter period 1
  • Filter1 50 Value – the filter value 1
  • Filter2 12-Filter period 2
  • Filter2 50 Value – the filter value 2
  • Filter3 10 – the filter period of 3
  • Filter3 70 Value – the filter value 3
  • Filter4 7-Filter period 4
  • Filter4 Value min 30 – the minimum value of the filter 4 in points
  • Filter4 Value max 300 – the maximum value of the filter 4 in points
  • Filter5 Value min 30 – the minimum value of the filter 5 in points
  • Filter5 Value max 350 – the maximum value of the filter is 5 in points
  • Deltafactor 0.3-the distance between the upper and lower bounds of the range for strategy 2 (the coefficient depends on the filter 4)
  • TP Factor 0.6-the coefficient for calculating the take profit (the coefficient depends on the filter 4)
  • SL Factor 4.5-the coefficient for calculating the stop loss (the coefficient depends on the filter 4)
  • TP Factor2 0.6-coefficient for calculating take profit 2 (the coefficient depends on the filter 4)
  • SL Factor2 4.0-coefficient for calculating stop loss 2 (the coefficient depends on the filter 4)
  • max allowed SL Value in Points – if the SL value calculated based on this volatility is too high, it can be limited by this parameter
  • max allowed TP Value in Points – if the TP value calculated based on this volatility is too high, it can be limited by this parameter
  • Use Safe Mode true – if false, trading is conducted without using the Safe Mode indicator; if true, trading is conducted using the Safe Mode indicator
  • Safe Mode Indicator Period 20 – the period of the Safe Mode indicator
  • Update TP if lower then TP min-if true, change the minimum value of the take profit if the value of the triggered take profit is lower than the calculated minimum value
  • TP Points in 25 min – the minimum value of the take profit in points
  • MondayAM true – if true, trading on Monday morning is allowed; if false, the EA does not trade on Monday morning
  • MondayAMStartTime 00: 00 – trading start time on Monday morning
  • MondayAMEndTime 12: 00 – trading end time on Monday morning
  • MondayPM true – if true, trading on Monday evening is allowed; if false, the EA does not trade on Monday evening
  • MondayPMStartTime 12: 00 – trading start time on Monday evening
  • MondayPMEndTime 23: 59 – trading end time on Monday evening
For other days of the week, the same is true.
  • UseNewsFilter true – if true, the news filter is used
  • CloseAfter_BeforeMins false – if true, existing open trades are closed in x-BeforeMins, and new trades will not be opened until y-AfterMins; if false, existing open trades will remain open after x – BeforeMins, but new trades will not be opened until y-AfterMins
  • SymbolsToCheck EUR, USD-set the pairs corresponding to the news
  • UseHighImpact true-if true, consider high-importance news
  • HighBeforeMins 120-suspend trading x minutes before high-importance news
  • HighAfterMins 120-suspend trading for y minutes after news of high importance
  • UseMediumImpact true-if true, consider news of medium importance
  • MediumBeforeMins 60-suspend trading x minutes before news of medium importance
  • MediumAfterMins 30-suspend trading for y minutes after news of medium importance
  • UseLowImpact false-if true, consider news of low importance
  • LowBeforeMins 30-suspend trading x minutes before the news of low importance
  • LowAfterMins 30-suspend trading for y minutes after news of low importance


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