The work of the expert Advisor is based on the use of Candle Patterns and Levels. Indicators are not used in the work. The EA uses Take Profit and Stop Loss. Averaging and martingale are not used. PriceActionBot is optimized to work with the EURUSD pair. You also have the option to optimize the program. The expert Advisor shows stable performance for more than 20 years. There is monitoring of this expert Advisor.
The EA works on hedge accounts.
The working Timeframe is 15 minutes. But the expert Advisor also takes data from 5 minutes and 30 minutes, so it is necessary that data from these timeframes are available.
Minimum Deposit:$300
Working Currency Pair: EURUSD;
Version 2.2 Signal
Version 3.4 Signal
- Magic-magic number
- trail = false-enabling the trailing stop.
- Trail_Stop=10 – trailing stop step.
- percent = 1 – Percentage of the Deposit per trade.
- Lot = 0-Constant Lot, if 0 then interest.
- MaxCountOrders = 20 – Maximum number of open orders.
- BeginHour =0 is the starting Time of the trade.
- EndHour = 24 – trading end Time.
- TKProfit=0-Take Profit
- STLoss=0-Stop Loss
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