This Expert Advisor is based on standard indicators. You can choose the optimal parameters for each indicator.
Trade Settings
- AutoBuy: automatic purchase.
- AutoSell: automatic sales.
- CloseAll: close all open orders (for this symbol).
- PauseTrade: The Expert Advisor will not open new orders, but will hold all open positions (for example, before the release of important news).
- ResetTime: Closes all open orders at the selected time.
- ResetHour: Closes all open orders at a certain hour.
- ResetMin: Close all open orders at a certain minute.
- ResetTrend: close all trades if the trend has changed and the total number of orders = SafeTrades.
- SafeClose: close all trades if the profit on the last trade is greater than SafeClosePoint, and the total number of orders = SafeTrades
- – SafeClosePoint: profit to close.
- – SafeTrades: total number of orders to close by SafeClose or ResetTrend
- ResetHour: Closes all open orders at a certain hour.
- ResetMin: Close all open orders at a certain minute.
- – SafeClosePoint: profit to close.
- – SafeTrades: total number of orders to close by SafeClose or ResetTrend
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Expert Advisor Settings
Lot Settings
- Symbol_Decimal: the number of decimal places in the symbol, support for all FOREX and TFEX symbols.
- Lots: the initial lot.
- Lotdecimal: the number of decimal places.
- LotExponent: Multiple lots when buying or selling more than 1 order.
- UseSmartLot: automatic calculation of the lot by the Expert Advisor to open a new order
- MaxLots: the maximum lot.
- Slippage: Slippage.
- MaxTrades: the maximum number of new orders per 1 symbol.
- MaxSpread – the maximum spread, if the spread is greater, the Expert Advisor will not open positions.
- MagicNumber: The magic number.
NewStep Step Settings
- FixStep: Static step size of NewStep (does not use exponent)
- SmartStep: automatic step calculation by the Expert Advisor
- NewStep: the step of a new order in points
- NewStepExponent: increase of the NewStep parameter when additional orders are opened by the Expert Advisor
Profit SettingsTakeProfit: take profit in points
- UseTakeProfit: If true, the EA will open orders with take profit
- TakeProfit: take profit in points
- UseVirtualTP: If the value is true, the EA will close the order when the profit is reached above or below the virtual value without placing an order.
- VirtualTP: virtual take profit in points
- UsePartialClose: partial close of 50% on take profit, the rest on PartialClose.
- TakeProfit: take profit in points
- VirtualTP: virtual take profit in points
- UseStopLoss: If true, the EA will open orders with a stop loss.
- StopLoss: stop loss in points
- UseVirtualSL: The EA will close the order if it loses more than VirtualSL without placing an order
- VirtualSL: virtual stop loss in points
- StopLoss: stop loss in points
- VirtualSL: virtual stop loss in points
Trailing Stop settings
- UseTrailingStop: Using a trailing stop.
- TrailStart: starts trailing when the profit reaches the value in points.
- TrailStop: stop trailing when the price drops from the maximum level to the specified number of points.
- UseVirtualTrailingStop: using trailing without opening new orders;
- VirtualTrailStart: Start of virtual trailing
- VirtualTrailStop: End of virtual trailing
- UseAdvanceTrailingStop: Use the indicator signal to close all trades if the profit exceeds AdvanceTrailingPoint
- AdvanceTrailingPoint: value of extended trailing
- TrailStart: starts trailing when the profit reaches the value in points.
- TrailStop: stop trailing when the price drops from the maximum level to the specified number of points.
- VirtualTrailStart: Start of virtual trailing
- VirtualTrailStop: End of virtual trailing
- AdvanceTrailingPoint: value of extended trailing
Risk Settings
- MM: money management (automatic increase or decrease of the lot depending on the equity).
- Risk: the level of risk.
- UseRiskBalance: Using the Risk Balance function.
- RiskBalance: close all open orders and stop opening new orders if equity losses exceed a certain number of percentages
- UseEquityStop: Using the Equity Stop function.
- EquityRisk: close all open orders if equity losses exceed a certain number of percent, and open new orders.
- RiskBalance: close all open orders and stop opening new orders if equity losses exceed a certain number of percentages
- EquityRisk: close all open orders if equity losses exceed a certain number of percent, and open new orders.
Time Settings
- UseTime: Buy or sell at the specified time. If you only want to open buy orders, set Autobuy = true and AutoSell = false.
- Monday: Trading on Monday at the set time.
- Tuesday: Trading on Tuesday at the set time.
- Wednesday: Trading on Wednesday at the set time.
- Wednesday: Trading on Wednesday at the set time.
- Thursday: Trading on Thursday at the set time.