The Expert Advisor trades on a trend strategy based on the mutual arrangement of
three moving averages.
trend is determined by analyzing the relative position of the fast
(fastema), Medium (mediumema) and Slow (Slow EMA) exponentially
smoothed moving averages:
- Buy: FastEMA>MediumEMA>SlowEMA (upward trend).
- For sale: fastema
- Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_FastPeriod = 8;
- Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_MediumPeriod = 38;
- Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_SlowPeriod = 48;
- Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_StopLoss = 400;
- Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_TakeProfit = 900;
- Inp_Money_FixLot_Percent = 10.0;
- Inp_Money_FixLot_Lots = 0.1;