Auto Trailing Stop Loss helps to move stop loss to the entry point when profit reaches a set level.
Auto Trailing Stop Loss helps to move stop loss to the entry point when profit reaches a set level.
BreakEvenPoint: This is a predetermined level that when the price reaches this level, the stop loss will be moved to the entry point. This level includes 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 75% of Take Profit.
BreakEvenPoint: This is a predetermined level that when the price reaches this level, the stop loss will be moved to the entry point. This level includes 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 75% of Take Profit.
Pair:This field allows you to choose which currency pair to apply this application to. There are 2 modes:
OnlyCurrentPair – only applies to the currency pairs of the added chart.
Pair:This field allows you to choose which currency pair to apply this application to. There are 2 modes:
OnlyCurrentPair – only applies to the currency pairs of the added chart.
Allpair – applies to all active orders in your account.
* In this test case, the utilities automatically sets order to simulate the operation. During actual usage, the utilities cannot automatically place orders.
* This is only the simplest version, If you want to customize it, Please contact me via mql5 or email. I ‘m very willing to help you. my email: phattp1912@gmail
* You should test the utilities on the demo account before using it. If there is any error, please notify me to fix it. Many thanks for your help
* The utilities only works when your account is active, you can add it to VPS for 24/7 use.
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Allpair – applies to all active orders in your account.
* In this test case, the utilities automatically sets order to simulate the operation. During actual usage, the utilities cannot automatically place orders.
* This is only the simplest version, If you want to customize it, Please contact me via mql5 or email. I ‘m very willing to help you. my email: phattp1912@gmail
* You should test the utilities on the demo account before using it. If there is any error, please notify me to fix it. Many thanks for your help
* The utilities only works when your account is active, you can add it to VPS for 24/7 use.