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Info Plus is a simple tool that shows these current state of an asset class.

information exhibited by Info Plus:

  • Bid Price – Bid Price
  • High and Low of the current day.
  • staying period of the candle.
  • The current spread.
  • The chosen timeframe.
  • The selected asset class (Symbol).
  • The PIP size.
  • Open places.
  • The entire number of pips reserved.
  • Pips per transaction.
  • The time of the sessions (they are inaccurate and might be changed).
  • time and date.

When loading into any graph, InfoPlus automatically gets the following parameters::

  • Bid Price – Bid Price
  • High and Low of the current day.
  • Remaining time of the candle.
  • The current spread.
  • The selected timeframe.
  • The selected asset class.
  • The PIP size.
  • Open positions.
  • Total pips.
  • Number of reserved pips per position (if there are open positions)
  • Session time.
  • Date and time.

The pip size shows the pip value of the asset. The cost depends on the lot size used, which can be configured in the input parameters.

When executing a trade, the value of open positions increases to 1. The value of open positions will increase or decrease depending on the number of open positions.

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A trade counter appears with a list of open trades, sorted in ascending order, with the number of pips recorded.

If the number of pips recorded is negative, the value of pips booked is displayed in red. If positive, then pips booked is displayed in blue. These colors can be configured in the input parameters.

The total number of pips shows the number of pips reserved in the selected asset class.

The upper and lower parts can be positioned differently.

The risk of open positions is also shown on the left side of the trade counter. The risk is calculated by dividing the amount of money you are willing to lose by the account balance. Please note, this will only work if the stop loss is set.

If the risk value is positive, the color turns red, and if the risk is negative, it turns blue.

You can hide the percentage value in the risk display panel by turning it off in the menu.

You can also hide the session timer and the open position counter (Pips booked).

Additional configuration options:

  • Font selection, for example: Comic sans, Times New Roman, Segoe Print, Lucida Handwriting, etc.
  • Selecting the font size
  • Line spacing
  • The spacing between the columns

The spacing between rows and columns will be useful when the font size increases and everything looks compressed.


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